Knowledge for Development


A selection of international S&T organizations.

Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA)

PIIPA was the first and is the global leader in providing pro bono IP services to developing countries. Despite the growing debate about the complex global role of intellectual property over the past decade, and the diversity of policy initiatives and academic studies spawned by (and contributing to) this debate, little has been done to meet the practical demands of developing countries and public interest organizations for access to intellectual property expertise on a case-by-case basis.PIIPA was established as an independent international service and referral organization that can help fill the need for assistance by making the know-how of intellectual property professionals available to developing countries. PIIPA’s services are practical, not policy-oriented.PIIPA’s goal is to provide balance and information that may help harness the power of informed debate to solve problems, and combat the fear and ignorance that make solutions impossible and lead to protracted disputes. PIIPA’s beneficiaries are finding new ways to solve problems in such contentious and difficult fields as traditional knowledge, biodiversity, health, and agriculture.


Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Knowledge Network

The Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Knowledge Network platform is a portal for accessing and sharing current agricultural adaptation and mitigation knowledge. It aims to bring together farmers’ realities on the ground and link them with promising scientific research outputs, to inspire new ideas and highlight the current challenges that need to be tackled to improve climate change resilience and the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Climate change practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and organizations will have the opportunity to contribute and use data and content from the platform.


CGIAR Central Advisory Service on Intellectual Property CAS-IP

CAS-IP collects and documents Intellectual Property (IP) lessons learned throughout the CG system, giving it back to farmers with little or no access to resources in developing countries, securing the collective IP knowledge base. CAS-IP’s mission is to assist, support, facilitate, and secure access to intellectual assets as public goods. CAS_IP Contributes legal information to the CGIAR that benefits subsistence farmers in developing countries. Maintains a knowledge base of IP lessons learned within CGIAR. Provides market development, planning, and implementation. Consults on IP risk management, licensing, and design of distribution and supply chains. Introduces the next generation of lawyers to “agricultural public goods” practice.


ACP Science and Technology Programme

The ACP Science and Technology Programme (ACP S&T) is an ACP-EU co-operation programme in the field of science and technology. It is funded by the European Union (from the 9th European Development Fund and the European Union’s General Budget BL 21.031700) and implemented by the ACP Secretariat.The ACP Science and Technology Programme is developed against the background of the 2002 “Cape Town ACP Ministerial Forum on Research”, the Johannesburg “World Summit on Sustainable Development” and the “EC’s Strategy for Sustainable Development”.It will serve the following purposes: Coordination and networking in applied research Strengthening of the ability to design instruments (or reinforce the existing ones) for collaborative research through cooperation, networking and dissemination of knowledge (through multi stakeholder approaches) Management of research activities and reinforcement of research quality The ACP S&T Programme publishes a newsletter (visit this page).For the list of all their agriculture and agro-industry projects, visit summary of the S&T programme, visit


SOLIBAM: Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding and Management

SOLIBAM will develop specific and novel breeding approaches integrated with management practices to improve the performance, quality, sustainability and stability of crops adapted to organic and low-input systems, in their diversity in Europe and taking into account small-scale farms in Africa. SOLIBAM knowledge and technology development in breeding, multiplication and dissemination of crop varieties adapted to low-input agriculture will be conducted with the participation of African partners. (Mali and Ethiopia). Innovative participatory approaches to technology development, transfer and dissemination (TDTD) will be used for this purpose, including participatory plant breeding (PPB), participatory development of management practices, and associated training. This project is supported by the European Commission under the ‘Seventh Framework Programme’ Collaborative project.


E-COST Project

The E-COST project will develop a new approach to assess the societal cost of fishing activities and fishing policies. By societal cost E-COST understands all costs linked to fishing activities: these may be ecological (alteration of the capacity of a system), economic (all costs linked to production, management, subsidies and external factors), social (linked to choices made in public policy, food security and safety, provision for national or international markets, the eradication of poverty and to development models (small scale fishing versus industrial fishing). The project has to be seen from the wider perspective of equipping public decision-makers and society with the appropriate tools and methods needed to take into account, not only immediate economic and social profits, but also the costs engendered by fishing activities which relate as much to ecosystems as to societies.(Source: IRD, 2005 - ongoing as of June 2010)


International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP)

The International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP) was established in 1979 by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). It is one of nine CRSP programs supported by the USAID. INTSORMIL animal nutritionists, biotechnologists, breeders, cereal chemists, economists, entomologists, food scientists, plant pathologists and weed scientists, from US Universities, collaborate with national research programs in East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa and Central America. INTSORMIL works in 15 countries in Africa and three countries in Central America. The program focuses on enhancing production and use of sorghum, millet and some other grains (finger millet, folio and tef). This work has also identified new farming practices that improve yields, reduce crop losses to pests and protect natural resources and helped to develop new markets for these important grains. INTSORMIL supports education and training of foreign and U.S. graduate students, and visiting scientists. In the past 28 years, the program has supported more than 873 foreign graduate students and 211 post doctoral fellows and visiting scientists. Most have returned to their home countries where they continue to collaborate with INTSORMIL as scientists, and research administrators.


The International Union of Soil Sciences

The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS, Wageningen, The Netherlands) is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of the IUSS are to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities. It publishes a bulletin and a newsletter.


The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP)

The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP, Rome, Italy) is to provide a mechanism for Partners to organize, coordinate and implement targeted international research, development, demonstration and commercial activities related to production, delivery, conversion and use of biomass for energy, with a focus on developing countries. Its work focuses on biofuel best practices, aiming for the successful and sustainable development of bioenergy. GBEP includes 32 Partners (21 national governments and 11 organizations) and 29 Observers (21 national governments and 8 organizations).


The International Scientific Council for Island Development (INSULA)

The International Scientific Council for Island Development (INSULA, based in Paris, France) was formally created in 1989 as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). Its aim is to contribute to shape island awareness and develop common future, supporting necessary cooperation and information actions in the scientific and technological fields. By its actions, INSULA contributes to the economic, social, and cultural progress of islands throughout the world as well as to the protection of island environment and the sustainable development of their resources. Within such a context, INSULA cooperates with UNESCO, the European Commission and other international organisations, as well as institutions at the national or regional level sharing the same goals and interests. Through its international and multidisciplinary network of experts and researchers, INSULA contributes to sustainable development initiatives undertaken by island peoples and authorities.


The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) was launched on 11 March 2010 by the UK government. It is a new initiative designed to support developing countries (in Africa, Asia and Latin America) tackling the challenges posed by climate change. CDKN will commission new policy-relevant applied research that responds directly to demands from developing country decision-makers. It is to strengthen research capacity and build more effective research networks. An expert Research Advisory Panel will peer review the Network’s research and ensure high quality standards. Some research areas are climate and impacts (ecological and social) science, adaptation strategies, mitigation and low carbon growth, tools to support decisions, regulations, governance and planning.The CDKN is managed by an alliance led by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC), and including, among others, Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, the Overseas Development Institute, and SouthSouthNorth.

5/11/2010 is an action-research initiative by the UK-based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) that started in 2007. Its aim is to identify and support processes that can help democratise the governance of food and agricultural research. This project has become established in four regions: West Africa (Mali), South Asia (India), West Asia (Iran) and the Andean region in Latin America (Bolivia/Peru). Its contribution are to the development and implementation of new models of citizen involvement and gender justice, to complement the activities recommended by the International Assessment of Agriculture Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), to develop more effective, interdisciplinary, user oriented and participatory research based on mutual respect and gender inclusion, to find new funding mechanisms, and to establish gender inclusive and pro-poor innovation systems.


CERDI - Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur le Développement International

Le CERDI réalise, sur son site propre, un ensemble d'activités de formation initiale à différents niveaux. Cette formation est dispensée dans le cadre d'un magistère de développement économique qui fonctionne sur la base d'une sélection amenant sur le site clermontois des étudiants de divers horizons. Le master recherche en ‘économie du développement’ et la spécialité ‘analyse de projets’ de notre master professionnel correspondent à la troisième année de notre magistère. Le master professionnel comporte toutefois 5 autres spécialités avec un affichage de développement international systématique: économie de la santé, développement durable, l'expertise économique, économie de la Chine, gestion de politique économique. Elle impliquera une association étroite avec un partenaire extérieur, en l'occurrence l'Agence Française de Développement, pour la mise en œuvre du diplôme intitulé: ‘Maîtrise d'ouvrages publics et privés’.



Publishes current information about agricultural biotechnology and biosafety for researchers and policy makers world-wide. The site provides rapid and convenient access to research developments in genetic engineering and updates on economic and social issues, including genetic engineering, in vitro culture, biosafety, intellectual property rights and other key issues in agricultural biotechnology. Service is provided by CABI, and incorporates information from their former AgBiotech News and Information service. Services include news articles, review articles, book chapters, abstracts of literature (search interface planned).


SCOPE 2015

SCOPE is a European Commission funded initiative that will produce scenarios for research and technology development cooperation with Europe. A key objective of the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (RTD) is to open up the European Research Area (ERA) to the rest of the world. In doing so, research can contribute to the solution of specific problems faced by third countries in equitable partnerships. How such partnerships might operate in future Framework Programmes is the focus of the SCOPE 2015 project. SCOPE 2015 will generate 10-year scenarios to be used by policy makers to guide decision processes on the shape and scope of future RTD cooperation between Europe and other parts of the world. Within SCOPE 2015, RTD policy makers and experts will be engaged as national correspondents from those countries covered. National RTD status reports will be produced and will be used as the basis for developing a range of plausible, yet contrasting, scenarios for future RTD cooperation between Europe and the regions under study. A mixture of online and face-to-face workshops will be used to develop and validate the scenarios, as well as to identify and scope future policy measures.


International Society for Horticultural Science (IHIS)

International Society for Horticultural Science (IHIS) is an independent organization of Horticultural Scientists with members in 128 countries. The ISHS supports research in all branches of horticulture and facilitates the cooperation of scientific activities and knowledge transfer on a global scale. This portal offers access to publications, a directory of horticultural research, news and events, etc.


Africa Rice Center (WARDA/ADRAO)

The Africa Rice Centre (West Africa Rice Development Association, WARDA/Centre de Riziculture pour l'Afrique, ADRAO) is based in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. The Centre conducts research, provides training and disseminates information to support the NARS, and to respond to the high demand for adapted rice cultivars. The Participatory Technology Development, Testing and Transfer programme encourages communities to select varieties of planting material, and community-based seed production system (CBSS) to overcome the constraints of the conventional seed system, using farmers' practices and indigenous knowledge. The success of the 'New Rice for Africa' (Nerica), developed by WARDA and its partners, has helped shape the Center's future direction, extending its horizon into sub-Saharan Africa. The African Rice Initiative was launched in 2002 to promote the dissemination of Nerica and complementary technologies throughout Africa.


African Dryland Alliance for Pesticidal Plant Technologies

ADAPPT is a project supported by a European Union grant through the ACP Science and Technology Programme to establish a network of scientists and agricultural technicians, from NGOs, agricultural institutes, ministries and universities from Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom with a focus on pesticidal plants as environmentally benign and safer alternatives to synthetic pesticides. ADAPPT will establish an intra-African network with linkages to international networks; build capacity to assess research needs to facilitate the formulation and implementation of research policies associated with pesticidal plants and to prepare and submit project proposals for new funding opportunities, and; enhance the research capacity and incentive of the network partners and so increase the quality and impact of research results and disseminated outputs.


Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Consists of 16 Future Harvest centers ? food and environmental research centres located around the world, supported by governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations. Agricultural Research Organizations on the Web (AROW) Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) Web-based Information System for Agricultural Research for Development (WISARD) System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER) provides access to information on the collections of genetic resources held by the CGIAR Centres. Together, these collections contain over half a million samples of the germplasm of crop, forage and tree species of major importance for food and agriculture.


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), based in Nairobi, Kenya, is working to enhance the contributions of livestock to smallholder farming. ILRI's research focuses on domestic animals kept by rural smallholders to provide high-quality food, traction and transport, manure, income through dairying, and insurance against disaster.
