Knowledge for Development

CTA/ASARECA side event on ‘Seed science and policy learning’, 2nd ASARECA general assembly and scientific conference

Date: 17/12/2013


The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) held its second general assembly and scientific conference on 9–13 December 2013, in Burundi. During a side event of Parallel Sessions 1 and 2, CTA conducted a two-day workshop on ‘Seed science and policy learning’. 


Specific objectives of the CTA/ASARECA side event were to:

  1. Bring together key academicians, researchers, experts, farmers and policymakers to share research results, knowledge and experiences, derive policy lessons and plan interventions for improving ways in which policies, programmes, and practices can be strengthened in promoting seed entrepreneurship;
  2. Enhance the contribution of universities acting as facilitator and catalyst in increasing food security through the provision of quality seeds and services;
  3. Enhance the capacity of and collaboration among seed sector actors for promoting seed innovation and entrepreneurship.

The expected outputs are:

  1. A book that illustrates the diversity of research and development being undertaken by African Universities and research and policy organizations on seeds for enhancing food security.
  2. A briefing paper on seed policies programmes and practices for enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship published.
  3. The briefing paper is used as a basis for influencing policy and practice.

The programme can be downloaded below.

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