Knowledge for Development

Determination of postharvest pod storage on viability and seedling growth performance of cocoa


Date: 10/04/2014


Joseph Kofi Saajah of the Ghana Cocoa Board and Bonaventure Kissinger Maalekuu at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, have determined how storage of cocoa pods (from a hybrid cocoa variety) affects seed viability, when stored in containers for a specific period. Having analysedthe results, the researchers recommend: (i) that farmers continue carting and/or storing cocoa pods in their traditional storage containers; (ii) the hybrid pods meant for propagation ideally should be planted within 0-15 days after harvest (DAH) for maximum viability; (iii) management of cocoa industry should ensure adequate and even distribution of 'gardens' (cocoa stations) to prevent farmers holding harvested pods beyond 15 DAH.   

(Journal of Agricultural Science, 03/2014)

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